The Coincidences of Life...
A while ago, I received a message from a girl named Alba. Of course, her name caught my attention, as it’s the same as the protagonist of Stray Witch. But that wasn’t all. To top it off, she was asking for an appointment with Clarence (as if I were his secretary or something!) for an interview.
This story, which may sound made up, is completely true. But her name was Alba Peláez (not Alba Lumin, because she probably knows how to contact Clarence directly).
If you'd like to read it, you can find it below. It was a fun (and somewhat unsettling) collaboration.
An Interview with Clarence (or should I say, An interview with the vampire?)
"Welcome, Clarence."
He bowed his head in an elegant nod.
"It's a pleasure, my dear."
I cleared my throat, trying to shake off the nerves that were choking me, and fought to control my racing heart. Almost automatically, I asked:
"Would you like something to drink?"
"Drink?" he whispered attractively. "Tempting, but I’m afraid our ideas of ‘drink’ might differ somewhat." I felt my cheeks flush at my rookie mistake, and he smiled, seemingly enjoying my embarrassment. "Don't worry, I won’t do anything you don’t desire… or aren’t willing to grant."
I let out a nervous laugh and poured myself a glass of water. I needed to clear my throat before starting the interview. “No more mistakes,” I scolded myself, “be more professional.” I invited him to sit on the sofa set up for my guests, and I settled into my chair, on the other side of the desk that served as my refuge.
"Tell me, Clarence, what’s been the most defining moment of your life?"
"Perhaps when I met Anne Zugrăbescu, though I’d rather not spoil the story for our readers by revealing too much... Back then, I wasn’t as cautious or aware of the shadows lurking in the dark. Anne was my downfall, but without her, I wouldn’t be here today."
"I know what you mean; looking back often reveals a version of ourselves we hardly recognize. Would you change anything from your past?"
"I think we all carry decisions that haunt us in the loneliest hours of the night, and believe me, I've had many lonely nights to reflect. My conversion, for example, wasn’t my choice. Would I change that? Maybe. But there’s something charming about irony, how even our misfortunes can give us strength or lead us to the person we were always meant to find... even afterward."
"That's a beautiful thought," I said, noting his response in my notebook. "I’ll carry it with me, and I’m sure many of our readers will appreciate it too."
He nodded and gave me that smile of his that seemed to pierce my soul. I hurriedly glanced down at my papers to continue with the interview.
"Who have you felt the most and least affinity with in your story?"
"My deepest affinity is undoubtedly with Alba. She is more than a companion or lover. I remember when I met Julia and saw that look in Ludovic's eyes; there's a certain parallel. I hope you understand." I nodded. "As for my nemesis... I wouldn’t want to spoil the reading of my story with details, but let me tell you, some rivalries are as intense as love itself. Perhaps in the fourth installment of the series, you’ll discover what I mean."
"I’ll get to it soon," I laughed, almost without thinking, and asked the next question. I was genuinely curious to know more about him. "Do you have any role models?"
"I’ve always deeply admired my mother, Rose. She had unmatched kindness and a strength few, mortal or immortal, can ever attain. Although she’s no longer with us, her memory remains a beacon that lights even the darkest corners of my existence."
I listened, fascinated by his answer. Maybe it was my motherly instinct that was moved, so despite only accepting answers related to other worlds, I decided not to correct him and accepted his response.
"How would you describe yourself in three words?"
"Passionate, loyal, and... chivalrous, of course. One thing my years among mortals taught me is that courtesy never goes out of style, even when it’s no longer as common."
"It may be scarce, but it’s appreciated when it appears," I said, and this time, he smiled.
"What lesson do you think readers can learn from your story?"
"I’d say the most important lesson is that no matter how broken you feel, love has a peculiar way of finding and repairing the cracks within us. Perhaps we’ll never be ‘whole,’ but that doesn’t mean we can’t be redeemed. Or loved."
"Thank you for your answers, Clarence. We’ve reached the final question, and though I suspect what your choice will be, I must ask: What animal would you be?"
He laughed on the sofa and answered with certainty, confirming my suspicions:
"A raven, without a doubt. It couldn’t be anything else."
Relieved that I hadn’t lost my intuition entirely, I said goodbye to the English vampire with courtesy. I enjoyed his visit, and I would have liked to share more time with him, but honestly, I wasn’t sure what plan to invite him to that didn’t involve something dangerous to nibble.
You can learn more about Clarence in The Vampires of Emberbury.